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Ways to Give: 60 for 60th

By March 11, 2020April 14th, 2020Blog

Did you know that 2020 is Spurwink’s 60th birthday? Spurwink was started in 1960 as a one house facility with eight boys. Now we serve over 8,000 clients a year.

Just like everyone else, who doesn’t love gifts to celebrate their birthday? This year, we’re collecting 60 items from 60 organizations, such as companies, agencies, or service groups to give to the clients we serve! Items listed below are needed, however, if your group decided on 60 other items, we are happy to receive those too.

  • Gloves/Mittens/Hats
  • Art/Craft Supplies
  • Diapers
  • Summer Camp Supplies (sun screen, bug spray, hats, sun glasses)
  • School Supplies
  • Toothpaste and/or other hygiene items

We are collecting items by November 15, 2020. Items can be collected at their places of employment/gathering, then coordinated with Spurwink for drop-off.

If this is something that your work, extracurricular activity, or group would like to participate in, please contact Emily Silevinac, our Director of Annual Giving, at [email protected].