Thanks to the generosity of local businesses, volunteers, staff, and community members, many of our families and clients in need will be supported during the holiday season. Below are ways in which the community has come together to share in the kindness of helping others.
The Portland Police Department sponsored almost 900 children this year, demonstrating a true kindness and empathy that exemplifies our relationship.
For the past several years, Pape Subaru and Boulos have helped provide gifts for families we serve, including both children and adults in the home. Pape organizes their gift drive and the community, staff, and customer support take a wish list to purchase gifts. Boulos focuses on what the families want and ask for things like favorite colors, toy preferences, and what would be special for the whole family, then their staff makes donations.
A donation from the Marr-Anderson Family Foundation of $2,500 was used to provide Hannaford gift cards for families, and even an iTunes gift card, which will be used for a little girl who is nonverbal and uses an iPad program to communicate with others.
Board Member Tari Advani is sponsoring a family that is part of Spurwink’s ShifaME program, which is a program that provides services to newly resettled immigrant and refugee youth and families. This is the first year the family will be celebrating Christmas with gifts for the kids.
We received generous donations for families from several other organizations and causes as well, including Toys for Tots, Portland Press Herald Toy Fund, Firefighters For Kids Annual Toy Drive, Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership, and Girl Scout Troop 1140.
Thank you all for your generous help in making the holidays just a little bit brighter for our clients.