All these terms refer to peer delivered services, a powerful new trend in behavioral health care. Navigating the world of behavioral health can be overwhelming for individuals, youth, and families. Working with peer professionals who have had similar experiences, and are able to share their own story of struggle and success, can help bridge the gap in understanding between clients and providers. It improves the experience for everyone involved.
Spurwink offers peers support services as part of our Child and Adult Behavioral Health Home programs, and as part of our Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team. A Certified Intentional Peer Support Specialists (CIPSS), or Family Support Partners (FSP), works with adults, children, youth, and families to advocate, individualize treatment plans, and ensure that needs are being met.
We’re here to help. If you or someone you know may benefit from Spurwink’s peer support services, please contact us at (888) 889-3090 or [email protected].