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Change, chance, and Spurwink – we’re blogging!

By April 15, 2015December 17th, 2015Blog

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn

There has been a lot of change going on at Spurwink. We’ve updated our logo, moved offices, and started offering new services in five counties. And to top things off, we’re starting a blog.

We hope our blog will be a source of knowledge, encouragement, and connection for you. The posts may cause you to laugh, move you to tears, or think about challenging behavioral health issues differently. Some will be upbeat and light-hearted, others serious and somber. But above all, we hope that it will provide a safe place where you can learn, reference, and engage with Spurwink.

We’re excited about our blog and hope you are too. Join us as we start this new adventure of change. And don’t worry – we’re not leaving it to chance…

We’re committed to going the distance.