Spurwink’s centralized referral department, The Link, launched in April of 2015. The aim of the department is to improve operational excellence and programmatic effectiveness by ensuring accessibility, prompt response, and excellent customer service whenever there is an inquiry, referral, or request to the agency pertaining to a community member in need.
The Spurwink Link “links” individuals and family members to the many programs offered at Spurwink, including:
- Outpatient Counseling
- Public School Counseling
- Functional Family Therapy
- Shifa Maine: Trauma Systems Therapy for Refugees
- Behavioral Health Home Case Management
- Opioid Health Homes and Medication Assisted Treatment
- Adult Assertive Community Treatment
- Adult Community Case Management
- Shared Living
- Children’s Residential
- A Family For Me: Foster Parent Recruitment
The Link also processes many inquiries that do not result in referrals to Spurwink for a variety of reasons. When internal services are not an option, the Link staff are knowledgeable and supportive in providing information about external resources that might help meet their needs.
Link Coordinators:
The Link team is comprised of dedicated individuals who have a heart for helping others. Link Team Lead, Gina Heroux says, “Every time I pick up the phone, there is an opportunity to create something good for the benefit of others. Repeatedly, callers have expressed such sincere gratitude at the end of a call that someone has taken the time to listen, engage, and advocate with a caring and diligent heart while they have shared their concerns and needs. I treasure their gifts of gratitude, but I also treasure the understanding that somehow, these interactions make a difference for others, and that they are in service to a greater good. I couldn’t possibly believe otherwise.”
Residential Link Coordinator, Maryellen Sullivan says, “I know it can be really hard for individuals and families in challenging situations to find the help they need. I also know what a HUGE difference it can make, when they do find it. I am happy to do my small part, in connecting as many people as possible, with life-changing services.”
Link Coordinator Anna Miller adds, “Having the opportunity to be there for someone who is going through a difficult or confusing time in their lives is what makes the work I do so worthwhile and meaningful. I really believe that kindness and empathy make all the difference in how people connect and support each other, and at one point or another everyone can use a helping hand or just someone to hear them. My work allows me to help connect people to services that can really make a difference in their lives, and even if I am just the “link” that helps them access that service, it gives me a chance to do my part to help others, which I am so grateful to be able to do.
How Link Can Help You!
Anyone wishing to make a referral or to learn more about Spurwink’s service array, eligibility requirements, or general program information is welcome to contact The Spurwink Link. The Link team can be reached Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm. To reach a Link Coordinator please call us at (207) 871-1200, email us at [email protected], or make a referral directly thorough the Spurwink website. We are happy to assist you!